Many of our members and individuals in our community fall into groups that the CDC has identified as most at risk for COVID-19. As a result we will be live streaming our meetings on Zoom. Please join us here on the first Thursday of every month.
We encourage everyone to get a COVID-19 and flu vaccine shot including boosters, and mask up when in large groups. There are new variants but the vaccines do a good job. We realize that this pandemic may cause anxiety for many of our members. Any member experiencing food or medication shortages should contact the VA's COVID-19 website, the City of Chicago's website, or contact the AVER Chicago Treasurer at
Additional resources for food insecurity:
Jesse Brown Food Pantry:(312) 569-6901
Lakeview Food Pantry: (773) 525-1777
We have started to host in-person Board meetings every month, and we encourage you to join us. Be well and take care of one another.
Brandon Chong (he, him, his)
President - Chicago Chapter
American Veterans for Equal Rights